Welcome to The Rectory Society

Rectory Photo

Patron: Sir Tom Stoppard
Ecclesticial Patron: The Rt Revd and Rt Hon The Lord Chartres

Established in 2006, The Rectory Society was formed to help further interest in all former and existing rectories, parsonages and other clergy dwellings

Visit to Romney Marsh on Wednesday 15th May 2024

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Our first stop will be St Mary’s church in East Guldeford, the only one of the 14 to be in East Sussex and not Kent.  Next will be the 12th century St Thomas a Becket church, Fairfield, which sits alone in a field, surrounded by water courses and sheep. Then on to St. Eanswyth’s church ...read more

‘Save the Parish’

Tuesday 7 February 2023

The Rev. Marcus Walker, Vicar of  the Church of St Bartholomew the Great, together with Emma Thompson began the ‘Save The Parish’ movement.   For those interested in learning more you can go to their website http://savetheparish.com/      ‘Save the Parish’ are looking for more people to stand for General Synod as so as to ...read more